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Chinese Benevolent Association
2017 Events
Chinatown Harbin Gate Removal
点问顿哈尔滨友谊牌楼拆除仪式 (November 4, 2017)
People's Republic of China 68th Anniversary
庆祝中华人民共和国成立六十八周年 (Oct. 1, 2017)
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节庆祝活动 (September 23, 2017)
K-Day Parade K-Day 花车遊行(July 21, 2017)
Canada 150 Celebration 加拿大150周年(July 9th, 2017)
Canada Day 加拿大国庆 (July 1, 2017)
Protest: Supervised Injection Sites Pt. 2 (June 17, 2017)
Protest: Supervised Injection Sites (May 6, June 17)
Spring Festival Performance 四海同春演出 (February 16, 2017)
Chinese Lunar New Year (January 26, 2017)
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